Teonet library  0.4.7
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Prometheus StatsD

This folder contains Prometheus StatsD configuration file and docker start shell script.


Teonet send metrics to the Statsd service. Statsd resend this messages to prometheus. And statsd should be configured appropriately.

Teonet application send next default metrics

Common metrics parameters:

network -- tonet network name
peer -- senders peer name
remote -- remote peer name
type -- g (gauge) or c (counter)

Gauge "tick" with value contained counter incremented every 5 sec:

teonet_g_tick{network="local",peer="teo-vpn-01",type="g"} 9

Counter "total" with value 1 increment total coutner every 5 sec:

teonet_c_total{network="local",peer="teo-vpn-01",type="c"} 20

Gauge "connected" with value 1 if remote peer connected or 0 if remote peer disconnected:

teonet_g_connected{network="local",peer="teo-vpn-01",remote="teo-vpn-02",type="g"} 0

Gauge "peer_relay_time" with value of triptime to remote peer in ms * 1000:

teonet_g_peer_relay_time{network="local",peer="teo-vpn-01",remote="teo-vpn-02",type="g"} 465

Teonet application paramenters to send metrics

--statsd_ip xx.xx.xx.xx
--statsd_port xxxx

Teonet C functions to send metrics

 * Send counter teonet metric
 * @param tm Pointer to teoMetricClass
 * @param name Metrics name
 * @param value Metrics counter value

void teoMetricCounter(teoMetricClass *tm, char *name, int value);
void teoMetricCounterf(teoMetricClass *tm, char *name, double value);

 * Send time(ms) teonet metric
 * @param tm Pointer to teoMetricClass
 * @param name Metrics name
 * @param value Metrics ms value

void teoMetricMs(teoMetricClass *tm, char *name, double value);

 * Send gauge teonet metrics
 * @param tm Pointer to teoMetricClass
 * @param name Metrics name
 * @param value Metrics gauge value

void teoMetricGauge(teoMetricClass *tm, char *name, int value);
void teoMetricGaugef(teoMetricClass *tm, char *name, double value);

Teonet C++ functions to send metrics

 * Send counter metric
 * @param name Metric name
 * @param value Metric counter value 

inline void metricCounter(const std::string &name, int value);
inline void metricCounter(const std::string &name, double value);

 * Send time(ms) metric
 * @param name Metric name
 * @param value Metric ms value 

inline void metricMs(const std::string &name, int value);

 * Send gauge metric
 * @param name Metric name
 * @param value Metric gauge value

inline void metricGauge(const std::string &name, int value);
inline void metricGauge(const std::string &name, double value);


Send counter metric (C language)

teoMetricCounter(tm, "total", 1);

Send conter metric (C language)

teoMetricGauge(tm, "tick", 25);

Send counter metric (C++ language)

metricCounter("total", 1);

Send conter metric (C++ language)

metricGauge("tick", 25.73);

Run local teonet network example

app/teovpn teo-vpn-1 -p 9000 --statsd_ip --statsd_port 8125 --statsd_peers
app/teovpn teo-vpn-2 -a -r 9000 --statsd_ip --statsd_port 8125 --statsd_peers
app/teovpn teo-vpn-3 -a -r 9000 --statsd_ip --statsd_port 8125 --statsd_peers

Where too find your metrics in local network



