Teonet library  0.4.7
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teo Namespace Reference


 The unique_raw_ptr::make make unique_ptr from allocated raw pointer, and free this pointer pointer when the unique_ptr does not used more.

Data Structures

struct  teoL0Client
 Teonet App parameters. More...
class  Teonet
 Teonet class. More...
struct  HostInfo
 Teonet host info processing class. More...
class  StringArray
 Teonet string array class. More...


typedef ksnetEvMgrEvents teoEvents
typedef ksnCorePacketData teoPacket
 Teonet Events. More...
typedef ksnetEvMgrAppParam teoAppParam
 Teonet Packet. More...
typedef struct teo::teoL0Client teoL0Client
 Teonet App parameters. More...

Typedef Documentation

Teonet App parameters.