Teonet library  0.4.7
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Connect to multi networks with one call (with threads)

Connect to and manage some teo-networks in one time (with using threads). The networks are divided by the host port number.

Created on July 22, 2015, 11:23 AM

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "ev_mgr.h"
#define TEONET_NUM 3
const int TEONET_PORTS[TEONET_NUM] = { 9301, 9302, 9303 }; // Port numbers
const char *TEONET_NAMES[TEONET_NUM] = { "TEO-A", "TEO-B", "TEO-C" }; // Hosts names
typedef struct teonet_multi {
size_t n_num;
size_t num_nets;
int argc;
char** argv;
void (*event_cb)(ksnetEvMgrClass *ke, ksnetEvMgrEvents event, void *data, size_t data_len, void *user_data);
int options;
int port;
const char *name;
pthread_t tid;
ksnetEvMgrClass *n_prev;
ksnetEvMgrClass *n_next;
void* teonet_t(void *teo) {
#define teonet ((teonet_multi *)teo)
// Initialize teonet event manager and Read configuration
teonet->event_cb, teonet->options, teonet->port, NULL);
// Set network parameters
ke->net_idx = teonet->n_num; // Set network number
ke->net_count = teonet->num_nets; // Set number of networks
strcpy(ke->teo_cfg.host_name, teonet->name); // Set host name
ke->n_prev = teonet->n_prev; // Pointer to previous network
ke->n_next = teonet->n_next; // Pointer to next network
teonet->ke = ke; // Set pointer to event manager
// Start teonet
return NULL;
#undef teonet
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int i;
printf("Teomulti_t " TMULTI_T_VERSION "\n");
// Start teonet threads
for(i = 0; i < TEONET_NUM; i++) {
// Set teonet thread parameters
teonet[i].ke = NULL;
teonet[i].n_num = i;
teonet[i].num_nets = TEONET_NUM;
teonet[i].argc = argc;
teonet[i].argv = argv;
teonet[i].event_cb = NULL;
teonet[i].port = TEONET_PORTS[i];
teonet[i].name = TEONET_NAMES[i];
if(i) teonet[i].n_prev = teonet[i-1].ke;
else teonet[i].n_prev = NULL;
teonet[i].n_next = NULL;
// Create teonet thread
int err = pthread_create(&teonet[i].tid, NULL, &teonet_t, &teonet[i]);
if (err != 0) printf("\nCan't create thread :[%s]", strerror(err));
else printf("\nThread created successfully\n");
// Wait while teonet started
while(teonet[i].ke == NULL || teonet[i].ke->runEventMgr != 1) {
// Add next net parameter to previous network
if(i) teonet[i-1].ke->n_next = teonet[i].ke;
// // Show previous/next
// if(i) {
// int j;
// for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
// printf("Net #%d started, n_prev: %p, n_next: %p\n",
// (int)teonet[j+i-1].n_num,
// (void *)teonet[j+i-1].n_prev,
// (void *)teonet[j+i-1].n_next);
// if(!(i == TEONET_NUM - 1)) break;
// }
// }
// Wait while threads running
for(;;) {
int isRunning = 1;
for(i = 0; i < TEONET_NUM; i++) {
if(!teonet[i].ke->runEventMgr) {
isRunning = 0;
if(!isRunning) break;
// Stop other threads
for(i = 0; i < TEONET_NUM; i++) {
// Wait threads stopped
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);