Teonet library  0.4.7
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ksnetEvMgrClass Struct Reference

KSNet event manager functions data. More...

#include <ev_mgr.h>

Data Fields

void * km
 Pointer to multi net class. More...
 KSNet core class. More...
 Hotkeys class. More...
 VPN class. More...
 TCP Client/Server class. More...
 L0 Server class. More...
 TCP Proxy class. More...
 Tunnel class. More...
 Terminal class. More...
 Callback QUEUE class. More...
 PBL KeyFile class. More...
 Stream class. More...
teonet_cfg teo_cfg
 KSNet configuration. More...
 Logging server class // move it up after testing. More...
 Logging client class // move it up after testing. More...
 Log reader class. More...
 Async calls module. More...
 Metric send module. More...
int runEventMgr
 Run even manages (stop if 0) More...
uint32_t timer_val
 Event loop timer value. More...
uint32_t idle_count
 Idle callback count. More...
uint32_t idle_activity_count
 Idle activity callback count. More...
void(* event_cb )(struct ksnetEvMgrClass *ke, ksnetEvMgrEvents event, void *data, size_t data_len, void *user_data)
struct ev_loop * ev_loop
 Event loop. More...
ev_idle idle_w
 Idle TIMER watcher. More...
ev_idle idle_activity_w
 Idle Check activity watcher. More...
ev_timer timer_w
 Timer watcher. More...
ev_async sig_async_w
 Async signal watcher. More...
ev_idle idle_async_w
 Async signal idle watcher. More...
double custom_timer_interval
 Custom timer interval. More...
double last_custom_timer
 Last time the custom timer called. More...
PblList * async_queue
 Async data queue. More...
pthread_mutex_t async_mutex
 Async data queue mutex. More...
pthread_mutex_t printf_mutex
 Printf data queue mutex. More...
size_t net_idx
 Network index. More...
void * n_prev
 Previouse network. More...
void * n_next
 Next network. More...
size_t net_count
 Count of networks. More...
ev_signal sigint_w
 Signal SIGINT watcher. More...
ev_signal sigterm_w
 Signal SIGTERM watcher. More...
ev_signal sigsegv_w
 Signal SIGSEGV watcher. More...
ev_signal sigabrt_w
 Signal SIGABRT watcher. More...
ev_signal sigquit_w
 Signal SIGQUIT watcher. More...
ev_signal sigkill_w
 Signal SIGKILL watcher. More...
ev_signal sigstop_w
 Signal SIGSTOP watcher. More...
void * user_data
 Pointer to user data or NULL if absent. More...
void * teo_class
 Pointer to Teonet c++ Class (in c++ wrapper) More...
struct cli_defcli
int argc
 Applications argc. More...
char ** argv
 Applications argv. More...
char * app_type
 Application type. More...
char * app_version
 Application version. More...
bool is_rhost
 This host is rhost flag. More...

Detailed Description

Field Documentation

char* ksnetEvMgrClass::app_type

Application type.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrFree(), teoGetAppType(), and teoSetAppType().

char* ksnetEvMgrClass::app_version

Application version.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrFree(), teoGetAppVersion(), and teoSetAppVersion().

int ksnetEvMgrClass::argc

Applications argc.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrFree(), ksnetEvMgrInitPort(), sigusr2_cb(), and teoMultiAddNet().

char** ksnetEvMgrClass::argv

Applications argv.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrFree(), ksnetEvMgrInitPort(), sigusr2_cb(), and teoMultiAddNet().

pthread_mutex_t ksnetEvMgrClass::async_mutex

Async data queue mutex.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrAsync(), ksnetEvMgrFree(), and ksnetEvMgrInitPort().

PblList* ksnetEvMgrClass::async_queue

Async data queue.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrAsync(), ksnetEvMgrFree(), and ksnetEvMgrRun().

struct cli_def* ksnetEvMgrClass::cli

Referenced by cli_init(), and event_cb().

double ksnetEvMgrClass::custom_timer_interval

Custom timer interval.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrInitPort(), ksnetEvMgrSetCustomTimer(), and timer_cb().

uint32_t ksnetEvMgrClass::idle_activity_count

Idle activity callback count.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrRun().

ev_idle ksnetEvMgrClass::idle_activity_w

Idle Check activity watcher.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrRun(), and timer_cb().

ev_idle ksnetEvMgrClass::idle_async_w

Async signal idle watcher.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrRun().

uint32_t ksnetEvMgrClass::idle_count

Idle callback count.

Referenced by idle_cb(), and ksnetEvMgrRun().

ev_idle ksnetEvMgrClass::idle_w

Idle TIMER watcher.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrRun(), and timer_cb().

bool ksnetEvMgrClass::is_rhost

This host is rhost flag.

ksnTDBClass* ksnetEvMgrClass::kf

PBL KeyFile class.

Referenced by event_cb(), ksnetEvMgrInitPort(), modules_destroy(), and modules_init().

ksnetHotkeysClass* ksnetEvMgrClass::kh

Hotkeys class.


Referenced by event_cb(), hotkeys_cb(), ksnetHotkeysDestroy(), modules_destroy(), and modules_init().

ksnCQueClass* ksnetEvMgrClass::kq

Callback QUEUE class.

teocque.c, and teodb_ex.c.

Referenced by event_cb(), ksnCoreCheckNewPeer(), modules_destroy(), modules_init(), and peer_type_cb().

ksnTcpClass* ksnetEvMgrClass::kt

TCP Client/Server class.

teol0cli.c, and teotcp.c.

Referenced by event_cb(), ksnetEvMgrInitPort(), modules_destroy(), and modules_init().

ksnTermClass* ksnetEvMgrClass::kter

Terminal class.

Referenced by modules_destroy(), and modules_init().

ksnTunClass* ksnetEvMgrClass::ktun

Tunnel class.


Referenced by event_cb(), ksnCommandCheck(), modules_destroy(), and modules_init().

ksnVpnClass* ksnetEvMgrClass::kvpn

VPN class.

Referenced by ksnCommandCheck(), modules_destroy(), and modules_init().

double ksnetEvMgrClass::last_custom_timer

Last time the custom timer called.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrInitPort(), ksnetEvMgrSetCustomTimer(), and timer_cb().

teoLoggingClientClass* ksnetEvMgrClass::lc

Logging client class // move it up after testing.

Referenced by modules_destroy(), modules_init(), and teoLoggingClientDestroy().

teoLogReaderClass* ksnetEvMgrClass::lr

Log reader class.

Referenced by modules_destroy(), modules_init(), and teo::Teonet::LogReader::open().

teoLoggingServerClass* ksnetEvMgrClass::ls

Logging server class // move it up after testing.

Referenced by modules_destroy(), modules_init(), teoLoggingServerDestroy(), and teoLoggingServerInit().

void* ksnetEvMgrClass::n_next

Next network.


Referenced by hotkeys_cb(), ksnetEvMgrInitPort(), and teonet_t().

void* ksnetEvMgrClass::n_prev

Previouse network.


Referenced by hotkeys_cb(), ksnetEvMgrInitPort(), and teonet_t().

size_t ksnetEvMgrClass::net_count

Count of networks.


Referenced by ksnetEvMgrInitPort(), ksnMultiInit(), teoMultiAddNet(), and teonet_t().

size_t ksnetEvMgrClass::net_idx
pthread_mutex_t ksnetEvMgrClass::printf_mutex

Printf data queue mutex.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrFree(), and ksnetEvMgrInitPort().

int ksnetEvMgrClass::runEventMgr
ev_async ksnetEvMgrClass::sig_async_w

Async signal watcher.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrAsync(), ksnetEvMgrFree(), and ksnetEvMgrRun().

ev_signal ksnetEvMgrClass::sigabrt_w

Signal SIGABRT watcher.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrRun().

ev_signal ksnetEvMgrClass::sigint_w

Signal SIGINT watcher.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrRun().

ev_signal ksnetEvMgrClass::sigkill_w

Signal SIGKILL watcher.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrRun().

ev_signal ksnetEvMgrClass::sigquit_w

Signal SIGQUIT watcher.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrRun().

ev_signal ksnetEvMgrClass::sigsegv_w

Signal SIGSEGV watcher.

ev_signal ksnetEvMgrClass::sigstop_w

Signal SIGSTOP watcher.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrRun().

ev_signal ksnetEvMgrClass::sigterm_w

Signal SIGTERM watcher.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrRun().

teoAsyncClass* ksnetEvMgrClass::ta

Async calls module.

Referenced by idle_cb(), modules_destroy(), modules_init(), and teoAsyncDestroy().

void* ksnetEvMgrClass::teo_class

Pointer to Teonet c++ Class (in c++ wrapper)

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrInitPort(), and teo::Teonet::Teonet().

uint32_t ksnetEvMgrClass::timer_val

Event loop timer value.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrRun(), and timer_cb().

ev_timer ksnetEvMgrClass::timer_w

Timer watcher.

Referenced by ksnetEvMgrFree(), and ksnetEvMgrRun().

void* ksnetEvMgrClass::user_data

Pointer to user data or NULL if absent.

Referenced by event_cb(), and ksnetEvMgrInitPort().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: