Teonet library  0.4.7
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Teonet TCP Tunnel example

To execute this example start teotun peer. The example will connect to it. So start teonet application with teotun name, for example:

app/teovpn teotun

The start examples/teotun application to create tunnel to port 22 at the teotun peer. This tunnel will open port 7522 at host where teotun example started:

examples/teotun teotun_c

To test created tunnel use ssh and connect to localhost at port 7522:

ssh user@localhost -p 7722

(replace user with valid user name at remote teotun peer)

Created on July 27, 2015, 11:26 AM

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ev_mgr.h"
#define TUN_PEER "teotun"
#define TUN_PEER_PORT 22
#define TUN_PORT 7522
size_t data_len, void *user_data) {
switch(event) {
// Calls immediately after event manager starts
// Tunnel parameters message
printf("The tunnel at port %d to port %d at %s peer was created\n",
// Create tunnel
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
printf("Teotun example ver " TTUN_VERSION "\n");
// Initialize teonet event manager and Read configuration
// Start teonet
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);