Teonet library  0.4.7
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Todo List
Global hotkeys_cb (ksnetEvMgrClass *ke, void *data, ev_idle *w)
: peer_send_cmd_echo(kn, data, (void*)trace_buf, trace_buf_len, 0);
Global idle_cb (EV_P_ ev_idle *w, int revents)

: open_local_port(kev);

: host_cb(EV_A_ (ev_io*)w, revents);

Global ksnet_configInit (teonet_cfg *teo_cfg, void *ke)
: Set port param
Global ksnTDBkeyList (ksnTDBClass *kf, const char *key, ksnet_stringArr *argv)
Add parameters: From - from key number, To - to key number
Global memdup (const void *d, size_t s)
move this function to teonet library
Global open_local_port (ksnetEvMgrClass *ke)
: Need to send to real local IP
Global ping_timer_cb (EV_P_ ev_timer *w, int revents)
: peer_send_cmd_echo(pt->kn, pt->peer_name, (void*)ping_buf, ping_buf_len, 0);
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Page Teonet simple load test application
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